Wednesday, November 12, 2014

NaNoWriMo: Week 1 Update

Ok, so you've seen the samples here and here of how I'm using the Tarot deck as a writing prompt and you've seen here how the deck originated. So how is all of that translating into word count? Very slowly it turns out.

However that is more due to time constraints than anything else. During NaNo there is very little time for planning, research and adjustments. You really need to be flexible and be able to run with an idea. I've been especially thrilled with the progress so far. I feel like having a cohesive idea of a beginning, middle and end help. Having certain historical points I need to cover helped. But the use of the cards as a writing prompt generator has allowed me to add a bit more flavor and draw upon the characters' personalities without chaining them to the plot. In short, they feel much more human.

So how do I feel about the Tarot? It's a fun game, it's a great writing prompt. However, after week one, I am still maintaining it's mostly a tool for exploring the psyche in non confrontational manner and a ton of confirmation bias. Will the next few weeks change my mind? Who knows.

How to play Tarocchi (games based on the Tarot deck)

In my novel I am moving into the Italian Renaissance to explore the origins of the Tarot as a card game know there as the Tarocchi. The game has it's roots in Northern Italy and was first written about in the 15th century. Though the origin of card games are much older, likely as old as the use of paper itself. The earliest history dates back to the mid-Tang dynasty in China sometime between the 8th and 9th centuries. The deck we identify today as the standard playing card deck was introduced into Europe in the 11th century. From there the Italians added a suit of trumps or major arcana to the standard deck to form the Tarot deck. While less popular in modern Italy, the game is still widely played in France and is know by the more common name Tarot.

From Wikipedia we can see the basic rules of the game after the entire deck is dealt out around the table:

Basic rules of play

  • Play is typically counter-clockwise; the player to the right of the dealer plays to the first trick. Players must follow suit if they have a card of the suit led, otherwise they must play a trump if possible. The winner of each trick leads to the next.
  • After the hand has been played, a score is taken based on the point values of the cards in the tricks each player has managed to capture.

Common value of cards

  • Oudlers (Trull) - Trumps 1, 21 and the Fool: 5 points
  • Kings: 5 points
  • Queens: 4 points
  • Cavaliers (Knights): 3 points
  • Knaves (Jacks): 2 points
  • Pip cards: fraction of a point
The cards are usually counted in groups of two or three depending on the game. After the hand has been played, a score is taken based on the point values of the cards in the tricks each player has managed to capture.

 If you are interested in other unusual or historical card games, especially solitaire, I would also recommend reading Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience which was published in 1914. The ebook is available for free on the Kindle Store.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNoWriMo Day 2: Mallory's Reading

Mallory's Reading (Cross Format)

Card #1: (Self) 
Six of Cups
Happy memories play a part in Mallory's story today.

Card #2: (Situation) 
Seven of Pentacles
With this card we see Mallory appraising results of her efforts. Given she is revolving around memories today, we should see her starting to make sense of them.

Card #3: (Fears/Weaknesses) 
Queen of Pentacles
This queen is someone who cultivates the necessities of the physical world. Mallory is lacking much of her connection to this world at the beginning of this chapter.

Card #4: (Strengths) 
King of Swords
Mallory will find strength in someone who is driven by ideas, someone who forces her to look around her and pull herself together.

Card #5: (Past Influences) 
Ace of Cups
We have a beginning here. An opportunity for Mallory to experience personal and emotional growth.

Card #6: (Outcome) 
III - The Empress
This card signifies an abundance of creation. This is a big indicator for Mallory as she's really just being introduced in this chapter and she is a very blank slate due to her mental state. This is our Theme Card for the day.

Today's Writing Goals

Today, I'm bringing in Mallory. She's a mess. Literally. Mallory is chaos and confusion, but there is a method to her madness. The challenge is writing her in a frayed mental state, but not crazy.

The Horror...  er, I mean... Aftermath

OK, so today was a bloodbath. I'm behind a few hundred words, but I'm physically and mentally exhausted even after a full can of Monster. I'm not worried today since 300 odd words is barely a deficit at all. Those can easily be made up during the week when things calm down.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

NaNo Day 1: The Reading, The Goals, and The Aftermath

Lila's Reading (Cross Format)

Card #1: (Self) 
XVI - The Tower
Lila is unexpectedly facing an event that changes everything. Well, all in all, not a bad way to start a novel. If not a bit obvious. This is our Theme Card for the day.

Card #2: (Situation) 
0 - The Fool
This is the moment before everything changes. Zero Hour. Since Card #4 is an ace we have an emphasis on new beginnings. The knight in the #6 spot tells us that Lila will be traveling. Also, for the author this bodes well for brewing drama to move the story along.

Card #3: (Fears/Weaknesses) 
IV - The Emperor
The Emperor in this position tells us that Lila is fighting with or against creating order and stability. It also symbolizes her father, who has been absent. As the author I have to ask myself what system is Lila fighting for or against and how is this holding her back? What role does her father play in this?

Card #4: (Strengths) 
Ace of Wands
Here we find Lila's opportunity to harness her own will and express the fire that drives her. This is, however a fleeting moment, but provides her with a superb boost of energy to see it through.

Card #5: (Past Influences) 
VI - The Lovers
 Lila's passions have driven her in the past. Given the lack of romance related cards in this reading we can gather that this can be more of an inner drive and passion. This card tells us that Lila will be taking the passions that she has held onto and use them to guide her into the future.

Card #6: (Outcome) 
Knight of Swords
We can gather from this card that Lila's outcome today will depend on her looking for someone unpredictable who is motivated by new ideas. This opportunity is fleeting and this person will be impatient if Lila attempts to argue, but will delight in helping Lila solve her problem and provide her with new perspective.
The theme card for the first chapter is the Tower.

Today's Writing Goals

Today, being day one, I'm looking to set up the story. The Tarot theme is going to be very minimal and superficial today. This is all about Lila. I want to introduce Lila and her friends and foreshadow some of the coming troubles with the darkness that is Malgoria. We also want the theme to be fun and not beat into the ground by middle to late November. I'm starting about 500 words in due to the midnight kickoff write-in so I need about 1,200 word based on this reading and these goals.

The Horror...  er, I mean... Aftermath

OK, so it wasn't a bloodbath. I managed to write over 1700 words. However, today was a bit more sluggish than I wanted. The weather is freezing here and I usually depend on getting some physical exertion before writing. Combined with the late night from the kickoff party, I'm not really surprised.

Did the cards help? Absolutely. It gave me some direction in the floundering attempts to kick start the story. It also provided me with a clear ending point for the chapter. Not really a bad first day at all.

My NaNoWriMo Experiment - The Tarot and the Lies They Tell

My novel for NaNoWriMo 2014 is titled Lies the Cards Tell. It's a typical YA fantasy novel, but it's something more than that. Throughout the month of November I'm using the Tarot as a writing prompt to push the direction of the story and help me through the enevitable writer's block that creeps in when you desperately need to hit that word target on a tight 50,000 words in 30 days deadline.

The novel itself revolves around a Tarot them. It explores every aspect of the cards and how they are and were used in various cultures. Despite the modern American stereotype of the TV witch throwing down the cards on the table and foretelling some ominous future, there is more to the Tarot. The cards have a long and rich history dating back centuries into the homes and leisure time of the Italian Renaissance nobility. 

If you're interesting in my writing process or the history of the Tarot. Follow along here as well as on my Twitter.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October Rush: Prepping for NaNoWriMo

For most people the countdown to October 31st is a rush to put the final preparations in place for the ultimate Halloween costume. Those of us in the writing community are probably looking for a few final accessories as well. But we aren't going out into the darkness of the Halloween witching hour to return with stockpiles of candy. Instead, we crave words! We don crazy costumes and gather in homes, public places and across the internet waiting for the clock to strike midnight and roll over to the precious wee hours of November 1st.

It's a Bizarro world version of New Years Eve. We've spent October making promises to write 1,667 words every day. We've dressed up our characters in the finest profile sheets listing everything from hair color to life goals and ambitions. The forums are picking up with our anxious questions and crazed playlist comparisons. The caffeine delivery method of choice is stashed away in a safe place. We've thought of everything. Now we wait and fidget with those last few details.

It's going to be a long and crazy November. And I'm very excited to be participating. If you've never done a NaNoWriMo before, I urge you to rush on over to and sign up. Find a local group in your area and jump into the insanity. Turn this November into a month long Halloween full of fascinating imaginary people and worlds, exploration of the language you take for granted and exciting new friends.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Beware Paypal Prepaid Cards! 

I bought one of these Paypal Prepaid Debit Mastercards to send my daughter on a trip to Florida. It sounded great! I've had a Paypal account for years and despite the bad press, they've been pretty good to me. I liked the idea of not having to link to my bank account since Paypal provides a buffer. I spent 10 years working in advertising and PR so I considered myself a wary and educated consumer. I thought I knew what to look for, but even I got taken in by Netspend, Bancorp and Paypal.

All over the product packaging, display and website they advertise "Instant Transfers" from your Paypal account. I was skeptical, but I found no fine print that gave me reason to doubt them. My horror began as I was linking my Paypal account, which was the only requirement in the fine print. They told me the card I purchased was not an actual Paypal Prepaid card, but rather a temporary card. Red flags went off. Instead of retreating immediately I decided to discuss matters with the representative. He assured me that the temporary card could be used exactly like the permanent card and I should have no trouble receiving my funds.

Sure enough, after linking my Paypal account to my card the "Instant Transfer" button popped up at the top of my screen and said my account was ready to go. I followed the link to my Paypal account and transferred the funds exactly as per the instructions and waited. The next day I still had no money on the card other than the $25 I had placed on it at the time of purchase.

I called and spoke to another representative who informed me that there were two different types of transfers. There is a "basic" transfer that takes 3-5 business days and the Paypal "Instant Transfers." I told her I had selected the "instant Transfer" link and followed the instructions and still not received my funds. I had reread the literature that was folded and tucked neatly inside the package and found no reason why my funds were not available. She then informed me that it was not possible to use a temporary card to receive an "Instant Transfer." This was exactly the opposite statement I had heard from the previous associate.

I asked to speak to a manager. After 20 minutes on hold the associate picked back up and informed me the manager was busy and they would call back. I never heard another word from the company. So I called Paypal hoping for some assistance. Paypal disavowed the prepaid company and clearly told me they have no association with them and no authority over their business transactions.

I finally got a transaction on my card. Unfortunately instead of my funds. I'd been charged a $4.95 service fee for a service I am unable to use.

After 3 days, my funds have still not been made available and I've been charged a monthly service fee. I decided to call Netspend again and see what the holdup was. After over an hour of being transfered through managers who tried to lecture me. I finally spoke with a manager who informed me that I was mistaken about the 3-5 day basic transfer and that temporary cards are unable to receive deposited funds at all. He told me my funds will be suspended in limbo until I receive and activate my permanent card in the mail. 

I still have not gotten any resolution on this matter and the small amount on the card is being eaten away by fees. The managers are rude, disrespectful, intimidating and unhelpful. They refuse to even refund the service charge.

The depressing "twist" to this story is I wouldn't mind the fees and I would have loved and used the service if they had been honest with me up front and provided good customer service.