For most people the countdown to October 31st is a rush to put the final preparations in place for the ultimate Halloween costume. Those of us in the writing community are probably looking for a few final accessories as well. But we aren't going out into the darkness of the Halloween witching hour to return with stockpiles of candy. Instead, we crave words! We don crazy costumes and gather in homes, public places and across the internet waiting for the clock to strike midnight and roll over to the precious wee hours of November 1st.
It's a Bizarro world version of New Years Eve. We've spent October making promises to write 1,667 words every day. We've dressed up our characters in the finest profile sheets listing everything from hair color to life goals and ambitions. The forums are picking up with our anxious questions and crazed playlist comparisons. The caffeine delivery method of choice is stashed away in a safe place. We've thought of everything. Now we wait and fidget with those last few details.
It's going to be a long and crazy November. And I'm very excited to be participating. If you've never done a NaNoWriMo before, I urge you to rush on over to and sign up. Find a local group in your area and jump into the insanity. Turn this November into a month long Halloween full of fascinating imaginary people and worlds, exploration of the language you take for granted and exciting new friends.